An Evening at the Pier

| Tuesday, September 21, 2010

An Evening at the Pier
Originally uploaded by Awsom Angelo
Valiathura is a suburb of Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala, India. This was once the only port along the South Kerala coast. When Kochi became the prominent port in Kerala, Valiyathura lost its significance as a major port. Now Valiathura is considered as a fishing port.

Valiathura is famous for its pier. The 51-year-old, 703-foot pier and the godowns behind it are a far cry from the past, when up to 50 cargo ships used to call here at a time. Opened in 1956 by the advisor to the Rajapramukh Dr. P.S. Rau, it was the only port along the South Kerala coast.

Supported by 127 concrete piles, the pier had four 3-tonne cranes and one 10-tonner to unload cargo from the ships. Since the pier was located in shallow waters, heavy ships had to anchor in the deep sea and transport their ware in smaller boats. With the development of the Kochi port with facilities for berthing of huge cargo ships, Valiathura lost its significance. It was declared a ‘dead port’ in the early eighties.


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I was always inspired by the wise words of great philosophers of our world, to name a few would be Socrates,Plato, Aristotle and many more in the ancient world, and in the modern world my favourite philosopher is none other than the greatest martial arts legend Bruce Lee. My photographer philosopher is Ansel Adams. I am extremely passionate about the art of photography trying to learn the technical aspects of the wonderful art...


“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”
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